Office for the Aging

Susan Koppenhaver, Director

1003 Development Court
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845-340-3456 or Toll Free at 1-877-914-3456
Fax: 845-340-3583

It is the mission of the Ulster County Office for the Aging to assist and empower older adults and their families to live as independently as possible, with dignity and purpose.

Ulster County will strive to reach more older adults and expand upon its current services by bringing them to remote and  underserved areas of the County.  This includes new educational health promotion, service enrollment and Senior advocacy program opportunities so they can stay in, and contribute to, their community.


Dear Ulster County Older Adults!

Let’s hope this strange summer of rain and heat and some wind has not affected you in any bad ways!  That being said, last month had the tail ends of a hurricane with a tornado that touched down in New Paltz, so we are really getting some interesting weather!

We wanted to make sure that those of you who have online access are able to get to some really great programming.  Try our website, and take a look at what GetSetUp can offer in the way of thousands of different subjects, exercising, or tours from your living room if you cannot get out, or want to experience the world from your computer den! is the direct link, and you can login for free and get a free account.  We think platforms like this for those who can reach them can be lifesaving events, both for health and for social isolations reasons.

September is beginning, with another round of Fall Prevention classes around the County.  As September is Fall Prevention Month itself, please be extra aware of not rushing too fast through your life.  Take the time to hold on to a rail going downstairs, make sure where you live is properly lit at night inside and out, watch for slippery sidewalks, wear good shoes even around the house, clean up spills, and don’t put everything up on the highest shelves.  These tips alone will help make everyone safer.

Some other tips – we had our Summer intern put together a great set of tips for savings energy around your house and life that cost little to no money.  Here are some everyone can follow:

Freezers colder than zero is wasting electricity.  Make sure your freezer is not set below zero– the optimal range is 0-5 degrees Fahrenheit.  Same for the fridge – between 34-38 degrees will keep your food cold and safe – anything colder is a waste of energy.  If you can slowly replace your incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs, you will save every month.   Make sure anything with a filter (dehumidifiers, AC units, etc.) are cleaned regularly – a clean filter will let the unit operate at maximum efficiency.  More tips and helpful agencies to follow!

Have a lovely Fall month! 

In health and wellness,


Susan Koppenhaver




 Live Well Kingston interviews John Dowley, Volunteer teaching OFA Senior Technology Classes. View the interview here: OFA Teacher Talks Tech! Demystifying your Personal Devices and Aging Well in Kingston. - Live Well Kingston


Links to upcoming activities and events happening in your area. Find things to do, places to go, and activities to enjoy from home at Age Well Kingston Community Events Guide 

New York State GetSetUp - free online classes for Seniors at