Project Overview
The Village of New Paltz together with SUNY New Paltz has a high proportion of transit users and acts as a hub that serves the transit needs of neighboring communities. Current transit operations include substantial intercity bus service as well as inter-county and local shuttle service. The current transit facility is a rented private location located on Route 299
The community has requested that UCTC examine alternatives available to ensure that transit facilities can continue to meet the needs of the area. The study examines the existing location and the capabilities of alternative transit facilities including the ability to serve the student population, SUNY New Paltz, and the general public. The study will examine overall ridership, alternative site locations, motor vehicle, pedestrian and bus access, and safety and pedestrian issues associated with the transit facility. UCTC staff and transit partners will guide the study with consideration provided for representatives of the community and SUNY New Paltz officials. NYSDOT Region 8 Staff will also play key roles.
Behan Planning and Design of Saratoga Springs, NY, will act as consultants for the project working with sub-consultants Nelson Nygaard and Alfandre Architecture. In addition, a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been created to guide project progress. Members of the TAC include elected Village officials, Town representatives, representatives from regional transit providers including ADK Trailways and UCAT, SUNY New Paltz, New York State Department of Transportation, and UCTC and county planning staff. Citizens interested in learning more about the TAC are encouraged to contact Brian Slack, Senior Transportation Planner at UCTC. bsla[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us. (845) 334-5590.
Progress to Date
On November 21, 2013, the first public meeting associated with the project was held at SUNY New Paltz. Over 50 people were in attendance to provide input. A meeting summary of that event can be found here:
11/21/13 New Paltz Intermodal Facility Public Meeting #1 (PDF). A second public meeting was held on May 7th, 2015 and presented draft site options for consideration. The presentation from that meeting is available here. The project has now moved into its final phase (Task 5 below). A draft Final Plan is currently being developed which will summarize all iterative tasks to date.
Project Scope and Schedule
The following task schedule has been provided by the project consultant; all benchmarks are draft and subject to modification
TASK 1: Define Transit Service Area and Land Use Characteristics
This task had three components:
- Task 1A: Trends Analysis and Understanding Transit Providers Needs
- Task 1B: Land Use Opportunities and Constraints Analysis
- Task 1C: Identification of Potential Project Partners
Deliverables: Summary document of interviews, analysis, previous studies, major generators, high/low ridership forecasts, potential partners, map of candidate areas, methodologies. Anticipated Date of Completion: Dec. 2013
Technical Memo 1: Transit Service Area and Land Use Characteristics
TASK 2: Develop Comprehensive List of Facility Requirements
- Determine minimum requirements for operational facility, program space, frontage, etc
Deliverables: Draft facility program, short and long term growth needs in matrix format per operator. Anticipated Completion Date: Feb. 2014
Technical Memo 2: Facility Requirements & Facility Matrix
TASK 3: Location Analysis and Site Selection
- Identify potential sites based on data above
- Task 3A Site Selection Process - Identify potential sites which meet minimum criteria
- Task 3B Preferred Sites Selection – identify five preferred sites for scoring analysis
- Use scoring methodology to narrow down two superior site options
Technical Memo 3: Facility Site Selection
TASK 4: Site Development Concept Plans
- Develop concept plans for two superior sites identified, preliminary cost estimates
- Architectural sketches, comparison matrix of pros and cons vs. existing facility
- Second Public Forum
Deliverables: Draft concept plans for 2 preferred sites plus existing site, architectural sketches, comparison matrix, estimates.
Presented to the Public on May 7, 2015; copy of presentation available here.
TASK 5: Draft and Final Plans
- Compile all previous work into Draft Plan with implementation strategy
- Identify action steps, additional studies required, potential funding options
- Incorporate TAC and Public comments from previous public forums into Draft and Final Plans
Deliverables: Draft Plan, Final Plan. Anticipated Date of Completion: June 2015
May 7th public forum presentation available here.