SUNY Workforce Development Grant
Any company with two or more employees may apply for a SUNY Workforce Development Grant. The grant requires at least a 10% cash match. The grant is written and administered by SUNY Ulster on behalf of the applicant company. The once-a-year application deadline is usually in June but is somewhat dependent on the state budget.
Companies need to provide a letter of support on company letterhead describing their company and the need for training. The grants are competitive. The maximum application amount is $50,000.
Because the competition for funding is strong, it is recommended that companies consider a higher matching amount than the 10% minimum (unless the company is part of a consortium). The applicant company is also required to write a letter at the end of the grant describing the outcomes. Groups of companies can apply as a consortium and share training.
For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Office of Employment & Training Summer Youth Employment Program in collaboration with SUNY Ulster
- Wanted: Businesses willing to employ youth for the summer.
- Youth wages paid
- Business must provide a safe and constructive working environment
- Business must provide adequate supervision
- Each youth will be assigned an employment counselor who will conduct regular site visits and support
For information on being a worksite call 845-340-3170 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.