Under the Bridge: The True Story of the Murder of Reena Virk.

The Ulster County DSS's Safe Harbour Program  is excited to invite you to our upcoming event,  A Conversation with Rebecca Godfrey.  The event, centered around Ms. Godfrey's book, "Under the Bridge: The True Story of the Murder of Reena Virk," will include readings, but will mainly consist of a slide show presentation featuring a variety of information about arrests, evidence, and the media's portrayal of teenage offenders along with role plays based on actual police interviews. A panel of local professionals will be available for Q & A. While it is ideal to read the book prior,  here is a link to an article published by "VICE" which provides a summary of it.  

 We look forward to seeing you there!

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Event Details

Thu, Dec 5, 2019 - 9:00 am to Sun, Feb 23, 2025 - 4:33 pm
Venue Name: 
SUNY Ulster
Vanderlyn Hall
491 Cottekill Rd.
Stone Ridge, NY 12484