Continuing to "Build A Better Ulster County" County Executive Mike Hein Expands The Unprecedented Infrastructure Investment Program

Posted August 6, 2015

Glenford-Wittenberg Road In Woodstock Is The First Additional Project And Will Be Repaved In August


Kingston, N.Y. — Ulster County Executive Mike Hein announces that the highly successful “Building a Better Ulster County” program will be expanded to include additional projects.  The program provides for an unprecedented investment of $15 million in repairing, upgrading and replacing county roads and bridges and will now include additional projects with no increase in the budgeted cost.  This inclusion was made possible by close project oversight, leveraged procurement and construction efficiencies achieved by the County’s Department of Public Works. The many projects already completed have been designed beyond traditional construction and repair, and instead make roads safer by widening road shoulders for pedestrian and bike use and use new geo-stabilization technology to reinforce vulnerable road foundations to protect against damage from events such as hurricanes and prevent potential collapses in the future.  The resurfacing of a 2.3 mile stretch of Glenford-Wittenberg Road in Woodstock is the first additional project made possible by cost savings achieved by the “Building A Better Ulster County” infrastructure initiative with construction scheduled to begin today and be completed in approximately two weeks.

“County roads and bridges in Ulster County are getting dramatically better, and through strong project management we are able to do even more than was originally planned.  This is an unprecedented project as we are in the midst of the largest single year infrastructure investment in Ulster County’s history,” said County Executive Mike Hein.  “Our Department of Public Works team has been amazing in completing this enormous task.  Thanks to their ability to complete the work on time and under budget, we are now able to pave additional miles of roads, and we are starting in the Woodstock area.”

Donald Gregorius, Ulster County Legislator

“The results of County Executive Hein’s “Building A Better Ulster County” program are being seen all across the County,” said Ulster County Legislator Donald Gregorius.  “I want to commend the County Executive for making this important investment in our infrastructure which has been ignored far too long yet is so important to the economic well-being of Ulster County.”

Jeremy Wilber, Town of Woodstock Supervisor

“I want to thank County Executive Mike Hein for making this investment in Woodstock, he understands the importance of safe roads for our community,” said Town of Woodstock Supervisor Jeremy Wilber.  “I am sure that I speak on behalf of all of Woodstock when I say that this important upgrade to our infrastructure is greatly appreciated.”

In 2015, 7 bridges will be repaired/replaced and 51.8 miles of county roads will be reconstructed and repaved under the Building a Better Ulster County program.  The repaving projects include a 13.9 mile stretch of Lucas Avenue, from Route 209 to the City of Kingston.  The Ulster County Department of Public Works  is also continuing its regularly scheduled road maintenance and repaving projects which include an additional 37.2 miles of roadwork to be completed this year.  In total, Ulster County will be repaving/resurfacing more than 89 miles of county roads in 2015, over 20% of all county roads in a single year.

Photograph: County Executive Hein and members of the Department of Public Works.



