County Executive Mike Hein Celebrates Ulster County's 18th Annual Live, Laugh And Learn Day

Posted August 13, 2015

140 Seniors Attended A Variety Of Workshops At The SUNY Ulster Business Resource Center

Kingston, NY – Today, Ulster County Executive Mike Hein welcomed seniors to the 18th annual “Live, Laugh and Learn” day of workshops at the Business Resource Center in Kingston.  Live, Laugh and Learn was hosted by the Ulster County Office of the Aging and consisted of a full day of workshops and exercise to promote the health and well-being of Ulster County seniors.

“I am pleased that this year’s `Live, Laugh and Learn´ had a great turnout with so many seniors attending the variety of workshops offered today.  It is always a wonderful event and we owe a special debt of gratitude to the amazing seniors of our community,” said County Executive Hein.  “Once again seniors had a variety of classes to choose from where they learned valuable new information and shared a laugh with friends thanks to the Ulster County Office for the Aging.  I want to thank the many seniors who attended the event and took advantage of the extraordinary workshops; Kelly McMullen, Director of the Office for the Aging and Christine Noble, Ulster County’s Sr. Aging Services Aide for organizing another truly enjoyable event; and all of the other organizations who helped in sponsoring the program.”

Several new educational, fitness and fun workshops were offered this year as well as some old favorites.   Some of this year’s workshops included: iPad Training 101 for Seniors; Zumba Gold; Preparing for Emergencies For Seniors; Latin Dancing for Seniors; Hidden Treasures; Senior Pet Companions; Laughter Yoga; Tai Chi-Like Exercises for Seniors; Maintaining Independence With Vision Loss; Senior Car Safety; Services for Seniors from the County Clerk; and Personal Safety for Seniors.

“I want to thank the many seniors who attended today, as well as the twenty-nine presenters that helped make this a successful event.  I was so thrilled to have so many seniors come out and join us for Ulster County’s 18th `Live, Laugh and Learn´,” said Kelly McMullen, Director of the Ulster County Office for the Aging. “This program not only provided seniors with critical information and services, but also gave them the opportunity to have some fun and meet other seniors from the area.   I appreciate County Executive Hein’s continued interest in holding this great event each year and I also want to extend my gratitude to Christine Noble and the Committee who helped coordinate this event.” 

Pictured below: County Executive Mike Hein at Live Laugh Learn Event



