Kingston, N.Y.- On Friday, Ulster County Executive Mike Hein announced the opening of a new accessible playground at the County Pool Complex in New Paltz; it is the first of two ADA-compliant play areas to be opened at County Parks. The new accessible play area features inclusive Alta Gliders and ramps, spring riders, accessible swings and surfacing to accommodate wheelchairs. In May, the County Executive announced plans to install ADA-approved playground equipment at the County Pool Complex and at the Sojourner Truth Park at Ulster Landing. The new playground has opened just as the County pool kicks off the start of its summer schedule this weekend.
In addition to making playground equipment more accessible, the County is ensuring that transportation is not a barrier to family recreation. This summer Ulster County Area Transit (UCAT) will operate daily and weekend trips to the County Pool. Installation of the Sojourner Truth accessible play area is expected to begin next week and with the playground set to open that weekend.
Michael P. Hein, Ulster County Executive
“At my core, I believe that every child should have easy access to a playground. Playing outdoors during the summer months is something that every child regardless of challenges should have the chance to enjoy,” said County Executive Mike Hein. “I am pleased that this summer children who may not have been able to use traditional playgrounds in the past will have an opportunity to do so. This helps make that basic dream a reality for Ulster County Families.”
David Juhren, Development and Public Relations Coordinator at Center for Spectrum Services
“Accessible playgrounds, with ramps to make it easier to get on and off, or equipment that secures a child in place, are beneficial not only for children with physical, but also mental development issues, such as Autism,” said David Juhren, Development and Public Relations Coordinator at Center for Spectrum Services, a Kingston-based school for Hudson Valley students with Autism. “Many children with Autism experience sensory processing issues, which can lead to low muscle tone and challenges with coordination. Also, they often lack automatic body awareness that neuro-typical children have. We are grateful to the County Executive for leveling the playing field for special needs children on the playground.”
Pictured above:Miles Fenichel plays on the Bumble Bee Spring Rider as County Executive Mike Hein and father Justin Fenichel look on. Pictured below: (1) Miles Fenichel plays on the Alta Glider with parents Justin Fenichel and Catalina Moreno; and (2) Sign at the Ulster County Pool Complex.
Video(s): https://youtu.be/2Woq5K19iegVideo(s): https://youtu.be/2Woq5K19ieg