KINGSTON, NY - Ulster County invites the general public, farmers, and farmland owners to complete an online survey about agriculture in the County. Everyone’s input is important to help Ulster protect our farms and farmland and long-term food security. The survey can be accessed online at the County’s website at or by requesting a paper copy by calling Burt Samuelson at 845-339-2490.
This survey is part of an effort to update the Ulster County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan (originally adopted in 1997). The updated Plan will focus on understanding the current needs of farming and farm-related businesses in Ulster County and devise strategies to increase the economic viability of the agricultural industry, encourage farmland protection, and increase public interest and awareness of the importance of agriculture in the county. This updated Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan will help enhance the long-term viability of agriculture and related industries.
To launch the project, a survey has been developed to learn about the challenges and opportunities for farms and farmland preservation, and to gain insights into the food preferences and needs of our residents and business. Farmers, farmland owners, agri-businesses, and the general public are strongly encouraged to participate. The more participation in the survey, the better the updated Plan will be able to focus on the specific strategies needed to improve the sustainability and profitability of farms and farm-related businesses here, and to increase food security in Ulster County.
Learn more and participate in the survey by visiting Ulster County’s webpage at: