Office for the Aging

Susan Koppenhaver, Director

1003 Development Court
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845-340-3456 or Toll Free at 1-877-914-3456
Fax: 845-340-3583

It is the mission of the Ulster County Office for the Aging to assist and empower older adults and their families to live as independently as possible, with dignity and purpose.

Ulster County will strive to reach more older adults and expand upon its current services by bringing them to remote and  underserved areas of the County.  This includes new educational health promotion, service enrollment and Senior advocacy program opportunities so they can stay in, and contribute to, their community.


Dear Ulster County Older Adults!

June is upon us!  Where has almost half a year gone??

We were been very busy with our Death Literacy Series in May, and planning our Older Adults Empowerment Council Forum, set for June 13, in which we encourage senior groups to help form themselves into something more supportive for the entire group.  Register for this through our office!  We think this could help many older adults find purpose, support and protection through their own neighborhood groups.

Just a reminder that the Farmer’s Market Coupons are not delivered to us till late June, and we will begin (if they get here in time) handing them out in July and August. 

We are planning the opening of our Group Respite program, which will happen in the Hub every week, staffed mostly by volunteer caregivers, and will support those caregivers needing some respite from their caregiving duties.  At the moment, we cannot accept folks who have personal care needs, only those who are still able to care for themselves, perhaps with some reminders, and who can participate in activities, lunch, discussions, etc.   We are beginning the training for the caregivers in May, and hope to have this open in June.

Summer will hold our Prom again (in June!), our picnics, and a Volunteer Recognition luncheon as well.  We have things going on every month, in addition to regular programming, so we are constantly planning and executing events all over the County.

We appreciate everyone’s support and hope you keep coming to our events!  There is usually something for everyone!

In sunshine and health,

Susan Koppenhaver




 Live Well Kingston interviews John Dowley, Volunteer teaching OFA Senior Technology Classes. View the interview here: OFA Teacher Talks Tech! Demystifying your Personal Devices and Aging Well in Kingston. - Live Well Kingston


Links to upcoming activities and events happening in your area. Find things to do, places to go, and activities to enjoy from home at Age Well Kingston Community Events Guide 

New York State GetSetUp - free online classes for Seniors at