Climate Adaptation Planning

The Ulster County Climate Adaptation Planning Interactive Map & Municipal Toolkit resources were developed to support local municipalities in completing climate vulnerability assessments and identifying priority adaptation strategies, in alignment with relevant NYS Climate Smart Communities Program actions.


  • The Interactive Map includes various data layers across several key groups, including climate hazards (heat, flooding, and sea level rise); relevant Ulster County assessments, plans, and projects (including road-stream crossing / culvert assessments, among others); and social vulnerability indicators including the draft NYS Disadvantaged Communities designated census tracts. The popups for each map layer provide detailed information and links to additional resources. Some of the layers represent 'dynamic' data sources hosted by NYS or other authoritative sources, which are automatically updated, and some layers represent data hosted by Ulster County. The map is a useful resource as it includes layers from many different sources, making them readily available for the first time in one place.


  • The Municipal Toolkit includes a Climate Hazards Summary report which summarizes top hazards posed by climate change in Ulster County, as well as instructions, templates, and other resources that may be used by local municipal stakeholders to complete climate vulnerability assessments and identify priority adaptation strategies via a facilitated process.