Ulster County Air Quality Advisory Resources

The outdoor air quality in Ulster County and across the region has been severely affected by smoke from wildfires burning across the Canadian province of Quebec. We want to keep you informed about the current air quality conditions and provide guidance on how to stay safe and healthy.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's air quality index (AQI) measures air pollutants on a scale of 0-500, explained in the graphic below.



When air quality is in the “unhealthy” or higher ranges, we encourage everyone to limit their outdoor activities and keep them light and short. If you experience symptoms related to poor air quality, it is advisable to seek shelter indoors.


Sensitive groups, including individuals with heart and lung disease, older adults, children, and teens, are particularly vulnerable. We strongly recommend that sensitive individuals move all activities indoors to minimize exposure to the smoky conditions when AQI is above 100.


To stay updated on the air quality index measurement near your location, visit our trusted source at www.airnow.gov">https://www.airnow.gov. This website, operated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, provides real-time data on air quality allowing you to make informed decisions about your outdoor plans. Additionally, you can access more detailed information, including granular AQI readings, smoke and fire maps, and tips on interpreting AQI data, at https://fire.airnow.gov/.


In order to protect yourself from wildfire smoke, the Centers for Disease Control advises using N95 or KN95 masks. While the best protection is limiting exposure outdoors, utilizing a mask when AQI is at unhealthy levels or above is advisable. 



Based on the current forecast, we anticipate these conditions to persist through at least Thursday 6/8/2023 and possibly longer, depending on wind and weather patterns. If you have any questions, please contact our office at exec[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us or (845) 340-3800. Your safety is our priority.


Stay safe and take care.




Jen Metzger


Ulster County Executive