Ulster County Launches 2nd Round of AED Grants for Youth Camps and Sports Programs

Posted March 21, 2025

Now Open to Municipal Summer Camps; Grant applications due by April 18


Ulster County announces the availability of a second round of grants to support the purchase of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) for youth sports programs and summer camps that are in Ulster County. Building on last year’s initiative, this program, funded by the federal American Rescue Plan Act, has been expanded to include municipal youth sports programs.


New York State Public Health Law now requires that all summer camps and youth sports programs have at least one AED and at least one individual present in activities who is certified in its use. To help organizations comply with these requirements, the County will provide up to $5,000 per organization for both equipment and training, upon submission of a state-mandated Cardiac Emergency Implementation Plan and other required documents.


The grant is available to municipal and non-profit (501c3) camps, as well as youth games and sports programs that will be in operation during their scheduled season in 2025. If a youth program received reimbursement or an AED last year, they are not eligible to apply again. 

Grant applications are due by April 18, 2025. A copy of the application can be found at bit.ly/3SvNcTf. For more information, email AEDGrant[at]co.ulster.ny[dot]us


“We are pleased to be able to offer another round of grants to help ensure that every sports program and summer camp in Ulster County is equipped with a life-saving AED and the training to use it," said Ulster County Executive Jen Metzger. “I want to thank the Ulster County Legislature for this investment to protect the health and safety of our youth.”

"The availability of AEDs at youth sporting events represents our commitment to creating the safest possible environment for our children," said Everett Erichsen, Ulster County Department of Emergency Services Director. "As someone who serves both in emergency services and as a youth sports coach, I understand firsthand how crucial those first minutes are in a cardiac emergency. This initiative equips our community with the tools to respond effectively when every second counts. By prioritizing this program, Ulster County is investing in our most precious resource — our children — and empowering coaches, parents, and bystanders to become potential lifesavers. The peace of mind this brings to families cannot be overstated, knowing their children are playing in environments prepared for even the most serious medical emergencies."



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