Ulster County Launches Solar & EV Infrastructure Grant Program for Local Governments

Posted July 8, 2024

The Ulster County government has launched the Solar & Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (SEVI) program, which commits $2.5 million of the County's American Rescue Plan Act funds to support clean energy investments by local governments that reduce reliance on fossil fuels and help mitigate climate change. County Executive Jen Metzger has extended the application deadline to July 19 at the request of local governments.


The SEVI program will award up to $100,000 to municipalities for solar, EV charging infrastructure, or both, and requires a 50% local match (federal, state, and other funding can be included in the match). The applications were sent to all local governments in May, and awards are expected to be announced in August. Future funding rounds are possible, depending on funding availability after awards are made.


“There has never been a more opportune time for local governments to make clean energy investments. Thanks to the federal Inflation Reduction Act, governments can now take advantage of tax incentives of up to 30-40% of project costs, in addition to state and utility incentives and our SEVI program,” said County Executive Metzger. “Beyond the climate benefits, these investments make fiscal sense, reducing dependence on volatile fossil fuel prices and providing cost savings on electric bills, in the case of solar, and on fuel and routine maintenance costs, in the case of municipal electric vehicles. I want to thank the Legislature, and in particular, ARPA Committee Chair Tom Corcoran (D-11, Marlborough), for championing this County grant program.”


“Ulster County’s SEVI grant program is a crucial step toward a cleaner, more sustainable future,” said Legislator Tom Corcoran, ARPA Committee Chair. “By committing $2.5 million from the American Rescue Plan Act funds, we’re supporting local governments in their efforts to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. The program awards up to $100,000 to Town and Village governments for solar and EV charging infrastructure, with a 50% local match requirement. These investments not only benefit our environment but also make fiscal sense by lowering energy costs and promoting economic development. Now is the opportune time for local governments to embrace these clean energy solutions.”


“The designation of ARPA funding towards solar and electric vehicle infrastructure support to our municipalities is a huge win for our towns and our residents. In the near future, our municipalities will see a reduction in overhead costs and our residents will be able to charge their vehicles at work or closer to home, while also reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. An added bonus to this program is the overwhelming bi-partisan support that it garnered in the Legislature,” said Megan Sperry (D-17, Esopus/New Paltz), Deputy Chair of the Legislature and the ARPA Committee.


Grant awards are capped at $100,000 per municipality. Local governments may submit an application for a solar project, EV-charging project, or both. Municipalities may submit separate applications for an EV charging project and a solar project; however, total funding is capped at $100,000 per municipality. Projects pairing EV charging with solar may submit a single application.



For more information, visit: https://participate.ulstercountyny.gov/solar-ev-grants.

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