Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan Announces Agreement with Deputy Sheriff's PBA

Posted October 25, 2019

The Deputy Sheriff’s PBA had been working without a contract since 2018 

KINGSTON, N.Y. – Ulster County Executive Patrick K. Ryan announced that he has reached a contract agreement with the Ulster County Deputy Sheriff’s Police Benevolent Association, Inc (PBA). The Deputy Sheriffs PBA had been without a contract for nearly two years. Upon taking office, Ryan worked to ensure that members of law enforcement were fairly paid for the time they worked without a contract. The new agreement gives a 2 percent increase for 2018 and a 2.5 percent increase for 2019. 

“I am thrilled that we were able to come to an agreement with the Deputy Sheriff’s PBA,” County Executive Ryan said. “Our Sheriff’s Department, and all members of our local law enforcement, put their lives on the line everyday. Ulster County is grateful for their service and I look forward to continuing to work with them to keep our communities safe.” 

“As President of the Ulster County Deputy Sheriff’s PBA, I would like to thank County Executive Pat Ryan for his dedication and professionalism in working to bring the PBA’s contract up to date,” Detective Mario Tagliafierro said. “It is my belief that the negotiations were fair and equitable to all parties involved.  I look forward to working with Executive Pat Ryan in the future.”

The new contract retroactively started on January 1, 2018 and runs until the end of the year.  Deputy Sheriffs PBA prior agreement ended at the end of 2017. 


Attached photo (PBA President Mario Tagliafierro, Captain Vincent V. Altieri, County Executive Pat Ryan, Lieutenant Wallace Fulford)