County Executive Ryan states that the Danskammer project “offers an outdated dirty energy solution to a problem that requires a modern, clean energy solution”
County Executive Ryan reaffirms Ulster County’s commitment to leaning into the new green economy
KINGSTON, N.Y. - Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan today submitted comments urging the New York State Siting Board to reject Danskammer Energy LLC’s application for repowering and expansion of the Danskammer Generating Facility and urged them to ensure that all energy infrastructure projects are consistent with New York’s goals under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.
“Danskammer is the wrong project at a pivotal time for our community. It offers an outdated dirty energy solution to a problem that requires a modern, clean energy solution in an area known for its historical roots in the environmental movement,” County Executive Pat Ryan writes. “Ulster County is committed to leaning into the new green economy, from transitioning our county operations to 100% renewable energy by 2030, turning brownfields into solar fields, and training a new generation of workers in the expanding clean technology industry. We need to be going all-in on clean energy, battery storage, and energy efficiency and creating sustainable, family-supporting jobs within these industries.”
“County Executive Ryan has put Ulster County at the forefront of confronting the climate crisis and taking advantage of the burgeoning green economy by investing in renewable energy utilizing local labor,” Scenic Hudson President Ned Sullivan said. “This will mean more jobs and cleaner air for Ulster residents today, and a brighter future for their children and grandchildren. Scenic Hudson is grateful to County Executive Ryan for speaking out strongly against the proposed Danskammer power plant and embracing a clean-energy alternative for the site that won’t pose a threat to public health and our planet. We look forward to supporting him in any way we can,”
The proposed facility would be located on the Hudson River in the Town of Newburgh and would replace the current facility. It has been estimated that the new facility would emit more than ten times the annual emissions of harmful nitrogen oxides, ozone, particulate matter and greenhouse gases than the current plant. On Sunday, County Executive Ryan declared the week Ulster County Earth Week.