Ulster County Personnel Department

Civil Service Examination Announcement








EXAMINATION DATE:  June 22, 2019

SALARY:  The starting salary is currently listed at $28.66 per hour.


MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS:  Candidates must meet the following requirement(s) on or before the date of the examination:


A.    Satisfactory completion of the Probation Officer 1 traineeship; OR

B.    Graduation from a regionally accredited college or university or one accredited by the New York State Board of Regents to grant degrees, with a graduate degree in social work, social sciences, education, administration, law, criminal justice, or a related field; OR

C.    Graduation from a regionally accredited college or university or one accredited by the New York State Board of Regents to grant degrees, with a Bachelor’s degree or higher with at least thirty (30) credit hours in the social or behavioral sciences and two (2) years of experience in counseling, law enforcement, juvenile or criminal justice, education, or casework in a probation, law enforcement, juvenile or criminal justice, corrections, community corrections, parole, social services, mental health, social work or other public or private human services agency.

Note: Course work at the graduate degree level in social work, social sciences, education, administration, law, criminal justice, or a related field may be substituted for work experience for a maximum of one (1) year of experience.

Special Requirement: Where required, possession of a current driver’s license or the ability to otherwise meet the transportation requirements of the position.

Special Requirement: When considered for appointment a candidate must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the Spanish language at the level deemed appropriate for the department worked in.  Permanent appointees will be further evaluated in their proficiency in the Spanish language during the post-appointment probationary term.

Note:  Counseling Experience involves interviewing individuals and/or families, discussing and evaluating their problems (e.g. drug and alcohol abuse, family conflicts, disabilities) and developing and carrying out plans to resolve problems. Those who perform counseling duties work directly with individuals and/or families on an ongoing basis in order to assist them and monitor and evaluate their progress.

Law Enforcement Experience involves providing for public safety by maintaining order, responding to emergencies, protecting people and property, enforcing motor vehicle and criminal laws and promoting good community relations as a member of a regional state park police or a police force, police department or other organization of a county, city, town, village, housing authority, transit authority or police district.

Education Experience involves teaching a curriculum to students or supervising/administering such a curriculum and those teaching it or experience as a guidance counselor, school or educational counselor or instructional coordinator/curriculum coordinator in a criminal justice or juvenile justice setting.

Casework Experience involves activities directed toward enhancing a client’s ability to cope with and solve problems and the referral of clients to supporting resources and services. Functions include client assessment, problem identification, development, monitoring and revision of a service plan, motivational support, counseling, crisis intervention, referral to social and support services and coordination of services.

Note: Individuals whose duties and responsibilities include the use of a firearm must also complete training pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law Section 2.30(3).

Note: The class specifications including the minimum qualifications for positions in Probation Departments are established by rule and regulations of the Division of Criminal Justice Services. These class specifications are found in Title 9 NYCRR Part 347, Appendix H-10, Standard specifications for Professional Probation Positions.

Note:  This position is allocated to the competitive class pursuant to Executive Law Section 257(1).


If you expect to complete the educational requirement within six months of the date of examination, you may apply.  If successful on the examination, you will not be certified for appointment until you have submitted proof of completion of the requirements to the Ulster County Personnel Department.

Where College is a requirement, you will be expected to submit college transcripts no later than JULY 8, 2019 or you will be unconditionally disqualified.  If college transcripts are already on file with our office, indicate this on your application.  Once submitted, college transcripts will be held on file in our office for a period of TEN YEARS.  Transcripts need not be official copies; However, they must contain ALL information necessary to qualify you for this position.

NOTE:  If your degree and/or college credit was awarded by an educational institution outside of the United States and its territories, you must provide independent verification of equivalency. Please visit www.naces.org to view and access acceptable companies providing this service; you must pay the required evaluation fee.  Please note the verification company must be a NACES member.


For the purposes of this policy, "tolerance" shall mean the leeway given regarding work experience when reviewing an application. Applicants lacking a small amount of work experience when applying for promotional or open-competitive examinations may qualify under the following conditions:

1)   Candidates will be given a maximum tolerance of one (1) month.

2)    Tolerance will be given only when the minimum qualification requires one or more years of work experience.

3)    Tolerance Policy does not apply to education or licensure/certification requirements. (See particular examination announcement for "Anticipated Eligibility" information).

4)    Tolerance Policy does not apply where required work experience is set forth by law or rules.

5)    Tolerance Policy does not apply to enable applicants to meet residence requirements.

For more information regarding Tolerance Policy, please contact our office at (845) 340-3550.

DISTINGUISHING FEATURES OF THE CLASS:  This is the entry-level professional position in a probation department responsible for the control, supervision and care of adults and juveniles subject to probation supervision or intake services which requires them to meet certain standards of conduct and whose primary language is the Spanish language thereby requiring the probation investigation, supervision or intake services to be communicated in Spanish. A Probation Officer 1 (Spanish Speaking) performs all the duties and exercises all the responsibilities of a Probation Officer 1; however, he/she does so in Spanish. The incumbent uses sound professional judgment and applies investigative techniques to evaluate the conduct of those subject to court ordered investigation, analyze data and make recommendations regarding court dispositions.  He/she also counsels and coaches probationers and others receiving probation services to change patterns of thinking and behavior to help promote and sustain a law-abiding relationship with society and reduce the likelihood of becoming re-involved in criminal or delinquent behavior.  Depending upon individual needs and/or court orders, a Probation Officer 1 (Spanish Speaking) may arrange for medical, mental health or substance treatment services. Supervision is not a characteristic of this position. The work is performed under the general supervision of a higher-ranking probation professional.  A Probation Officer 1 (Spanish Speaking) is a Peace Officer pursuant to Criminal Procedure Law Section 2.10 and may be authorized to carry a firearm in the performance of his/her duties. The incumbent will perform all related duties as required.

SUBJECT OF EXAMINATION:  Written test will cover knowledge, skills, and/or abilities in such areas as:

1. Advising and interacting with others

These questions test for the ability to interact with other people in order to gather and present information and to provide assistance and advice in a courteous and professional manner.

2. Applying written information

These questions evaluate a candidate's ability to read, interpret and apply rules, regulations, directives, written narratives and other related material. You will be required to read a set of information and to appropriately apply the information to situations in various settings. All information needed to answer the questions is contained in the rules, regulations, etc. which are cited.

3. Evaluating conclusions in light of known facts

These questions will consist of a set of facts and a conclusion. You must decide if the conclusion is proved by the facts, disproved by the facts or if the facts are not sufficient to prove or disprove the conclusion. The questions will not be specific to a particular field.

4. Preparing written material

These questions test for the ability to write the kinds of reports and correspondence required in criminal justice settings such as probation and parole. Some questions test for the ability to present information clearly and accurately. Others test for the ability to organize paragraphs logically and comprehensibly.

A Guide to the Written Test for the Probation Series is available at the New York State website: www.cs.ny.gov/testing/localtestguides.cfm.  Candidates not having access to a computer or the internet may request copy of the test guide from the municipal civil service office conducting this examination using the contact information found elsewhere on this announcement.

CALCULATORS:  "Unless specifically prohibited, candidates are permitted to use quiet, hand‑held, solar or battery powered calculators.  Devices with typewriter keyboards, ‘Spell‑Checkers’, ‘Personal Digital Assistants’, ‘Address Books’, ‘Language Translators’, ‘Dictionaries’ and any similar devices are prohibited."

*FEES*:  Send your check or money order for twenty dollars ($20.00) (made payable to COUNTY OF ULSTER) with your application.  Please include the examination number, title, and applicant’s name on your check or money order. DO NOT SEND CASH.  NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED, therefore, you are urged to compare your qualifications carefully with the qualifications for admission and apply only for those examinations for which you are clearly qualified.

EXCEPTION TO FEE REQUIREMENT:  An exception to the processing fee will be made for persons receiving Supplemental Social Security payments or public assistance (Safety Net Assistance or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families), provided Foster Care or certified Workforce Investment Act of 1998 eligible through a state or local social service agency, and for those who are currently unemployed.  Individuals wishing to claim this waiver of fee on the basis of Supplemental Social Security, Safety Net Assistance or Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, must certify on their application, under number 12 Remarks, that they are receiving public assistance and must indicate the type of assistance they are receiving, the agency providing the assistance and their case numbers. Persons claiming this waiver through Foster Care or Workforce Investment Act of 1998 Certification must specify the program and name of their contact agency.

Persons claiming this waiver, who are currently unemployed must certify on their application, under number 12 Remarks, that they are currently unemployed and must provide documentation that they are receiving unemployment benefits or other unemployment documentation deemed appropriate by the Ulster County Personnel Officer.Such claims are subject to later verification and, if not supported by appropriate documentation, are grounds for barring appointment.

Applications may be obtained at the Ulster County Office Building, Personnel Department, 244 Fair Street ‑ 5th Floor, P.O. Box 1800, Kingston, NY 12402‑1800 OR by mail (INCLUDE A STAMPED SELF‑ADDRESSED, LEGAL‑ SIZE ENVELOPE) OR from our website at: http://www.co.ulster.ny.us/personnel/index.html.  Applications must be received by the Ulster County Personnel Department or postmarked no later than the ‘LAST DATE FOR FILING APPLICATIONS’ stated on page one of this announcement.

For those applications submitted in person on the last file date, please submit no later than 4:30 PM. All applications must be in our office no later than 5:00 PM on the last file date. Applications postmarked by the last file date will also be accepted.

This examination is being prepared and rated by the New York State Department of Civil Service in accordance with Section 23‑2 of the Civil Service Law.  The provisions of the New York State Civil Service Rules and Regulations dealing with the rating of examinations will apply to this test.

CRIMINAL BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION POLICY:  In accordance with Ulster County Local Law Number 14 of 2007, a criminal background check (including fingerprinting) will be initiated by the Ulster County Personnel Department upon initial employment or re-hire to Ulster County positions, and conducted by the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS), the New York State Office of Court Administration, the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Verification Information System (IMAGE Program), or any law enforcement agency.

SPECIAL NOTE:  All public agencies are required by law to provide full and equal opportunities for minorities, women and to people with disabilities. All qualified candidates are encouraged to compete without regard to race, creed or national origin. Applicants requesting special testing arrangements as a Saturday Sabbath Observer, alternate test date candidate (in accordance with Alternate Test Date Policy), or an active member of the military away from the area on the scheduled test date must clearly indicate this fact on the application. All such requests must be supported by appropriate documentation.

VETERANS: Non-disabled and disabled veterans who wish to claim additional credits MUST request a Veterans Credits application from our office. This form must be completed and submitted along with a war service (DD214) form prior to the establishment of the resulting eligible list. Veterans credits may only be added to a passing score and may only be used for appointment once. Candidates currently in the armed forces may apply for and be conditionally granted veteran’s credits.  Any candidate who applies for such credits must provide proof of military status to receive the conditional credits.  You may not claim additional Veterans Credits after the eligible list has been established. It is the candidate’s responsibility to request the Veterans Credits application forms and submit these forms and any required supporting paperwork before the eligible list is established.

On November 5, 2013, New York State voters approved an amendment to Article 5, section 6, of the New York Constitution regarding the award and use of additional credits for certain disabled veterans on open competitive and promotion civil service examinations for positions with New York State and local governments. 

For eligible lists established after January 1, 2014, disabled veterans may be entitled to additional credits on a civil service examination.  Every situation is different.  If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact our office. 

ADDITIONAL CREDITS FOR CHILDREN OF FIREFIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS KILLED IN THE LINE OF DUTY:  In conformance with section 85-a of the Civil Service Law, children of firefighters and police officers killed in the line of duty shall be entitled to receive an additional ten points in a competitive examination for original appointment in the same municipality in which his or her parent has served.  If you are qualified to participate in this examination and are a child of a firefighter or police officer killed in the line of duty in this municipality, please inform this office of this matter when you submit your application for examination.  A candidate claiming such credit has a minimum of two months from the application deadline to provide the necessary documentation to verify additional credit eligibility.  However, no credit may be added after the eligible list has been established.

APPLYING FOR CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS IN MULTIPLE JURISDICTIONS WHEN EXAMINATIONS ARE SCHEDULED ON SAME DATE:  If you have applied for any other Civil Service examinations for employment with any other local government jurisdiction, you must make arrangements to take all the examinations at one test site.  Please indicate your intentions under #12 remarks on the application for examination.

If you have applied for both State and local government examinations, you must inform the Ulster County Personnel Department of your intent to participate in both exams no later than two weeks before the date of the examinations.  When taking local and State examinations on the same day, all of these examinations must be taken at the State test site.  You will be informed by letter when and where to report for the examinations and you should bring the Ulster County admission notice with you to the State test site along with the State admission notice you will receive from the State. 

If you have applied for other local government examinations, you must inform all local government civil service agencies of the test site at which you wish to take your examination(s) no later than two weeks before the date of the examinations. 

For this examination write your intentions under #12 Remarks on the last page of the Ulster County Examination Application OR write a letter to the Ulster County Personnel Department, 244 Fair Street – 5th Floor, PO Box 1800, Kingston, NY 12402.

*If candidates have not received notification of this examination within four (4) days of the examination, they should contact this office immediately.



ISSUED:  April 11, 2019