Sustainable Transportation and Land Use Study
The NYSDOT and UCTC at the request of the Town's of Marbletown, Hurley, Rochester, Wawarsing and the Village of Ellenville have approved funding to undertake a Route 209 Corridor Study. A consultant team made up of planning and engineering professionals will be selected to assist the NYSDOT, the UCTC and the municipalities over an 18 month period to develop a plan for the corridor. This long range plan will identify and prioritize short and long term transportation projects and land use strategies needed to balance mobility needs, community enhancement, economic development, environmental quality and smart growth strategies.
This study will be financed by Federal and State Transportation monies and will be managed by the NYSDOT and the UCTC the official Metropolitan Planning Organization for Ulster County. An Advisory Committee made up of the municipal leaders and other interested parties in the corridor will guide the study and assure that all stakeholders have a chance to participate fully in the study effort. A strong public participation process is essential to the study and will be utilized throughout to identify issues, opportunities and provide input to develop consensus transportation and land use strategies to meet present and future development and mobility needs in the corridor. All modes of transportation will be fully analyzed (highway, transit, aviation, bicycle, pedestrian, etc.) to assure a wide range of safe and efficient transportation choices are available.
Committee Members
James V. Dolaway, Supervisor, Town of Wawarsing
Dennis Doyle, Director, Ulster County Planning Board
Pamela Duke, Supervisor, Town of Rochester
Jeff Kaplan, Mayor, Village of Ellenville
Vincent Martello, Supervisor, Town of Marbletown
Russell Robbins, Senior Transportation Planner, NYSDOT
Michael Shultis, Supervisor, Town of Hurley