County Executive Ryan Recognizes Ulster County “Community Champions”
Ulster County launches Community Champion initiative to highlight community members who are stepping up and taking care of our community during COVID-1
Ulster County launches Community Champion initiative to highlight community members who are stepping up and taking care of our community during COVID-1
County Executive Ryan made the announcement 72 hours after his call for additional assistance in bed and ventilator capacity
County Executive Ryan announces 17 new ventilators in Ulster County and 55 beds already online at the Kate Walton Fieldhouse at Kingston High School
County Executive Ryan announces new “New York State on Pause” enforcement form to help ensure County residents and businesses are abiding by social distancing guidance
Ulster County is one of the first in the nation to partner with IBM and utilize AI tools to answer residents’ COVID-19 questions
The Project Resilience Community Care initiative is key in reaching the County’s goal of quadrupling bed capacity
The facility will initially be located at the Kate Walton Fieldhouse at the Kingston High School campus
Additional capacity to be simultaneously constructed at the old Bank of America location at TechCity with the potential of adding hundreds of beds
Ryan states the County has seen a near 50% hospitalization increase since Friday
Currently Ulster County has only one ICU bed available
Over 70 residents volunteer to assist in the County’s medical response to COVID-19