Susan Koppenhaver, Director
1003 Development Court
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845-340-3456 or Toll Free at 1-877-914-3456
Fax: 845-340-3583
It is the mission of the Ulster County Office for the Aging to assist and empower older adults and their families to live as independently as possible, with dignity and purpose.
Ulster County will strive to reach more older adults and expand upon its current services by bringing them to remote and underserved areas of the County. This includes new educational health promotion, service enrollment and Senior advocacy program opportunities so they can stay in, and contribute to, their community.
Dear Ulster County Older Adults!
The winter, bleak as it may be, is upon us! Do not lose hope in the darkest hours, as the days are already, slowly, getting longer!
The Kingston Kiwanis is hosting their Annual Senior Holiday Dinner on the January 11th in Kingston. It is free for Seniors and reservations are required by calling 845-340-3259. The OFA has new Tai Chi classes starting and we will continue with all our Senior Hub activities throughout the winter – exercise classes, craft corner, chess classes, technology classes, and Community Cafés, providing plenty of opportunities to get together with folks. I once again stress the important of finding a social group to belong to. There are many groups around the County who would welcome new members. Some senior groups are called SSIP groups (Seniors Serving in Place), and they meet regularly, the members help each other out, and it might be just the thing you need for feeling part of something. Humans are social animals, and even though we may enjoy our solitude, we do need to reach out and not isolate. Contact our office if you want more information and we can help get you connected.
For this month’s energy tip, if you own a home, and want to possibly have an energy audit, please contact Michael Murphy at the Cornell Cooperative extension for assistance. They are eager to help, and you might be able to get some help weatherization, and energy savings – here are some things they do:
• Reduce your heating and electric bills
• Take charge of your energy budget with a home or business energy assessment
• Access financing and programs that offer free or reduced-cost energy efficiency upgrades
• Start generating clean, renewable energy at home
Call them at 845-340-3990 and find out what they can do for you.
If you do feel isolated and lonely, perhaps you’d like to become a Warm Caller – those callers reach out weekly to other folks who are living alone and have no one to speak to. It might do both of you a literal world of good! Call our office for details.
Have a wonderful healthy start to the New Year!
Susan Koppenhaver
For information related to the Ulster County Office for the Aging 2024 Public Hearing - click here.
Live Well Kingston interviews John Dowley, Volunteer teaching OFA Senior Technology Classes. View the interview here: OFA Teacher Talks Tech! Demystifying your Personal Devices and Aging Well in Kingston. - Live Well Kingston
Links to upcoming activities and events happening in your area. Find things to do, places to go, and activities to enjoy from home at Age Well Kingston Community Events Guide
New York State GetSetUp - free online classes for Seniors at