Office for the Aging

Susan Koppenhaver, Director

1003 Development Court
Kingston, NY 12401
Phone: 845-340-3456 or Toll Free at 1-877-914-3456
Fax: 845-340-3583

It is the mission of the Ulster County Office for the Aging to assist and empower older adults and their families to live as independently as possible, with dignity and purpose.

Ulster County will strive to reach more older adults and expand upon its current services by bringing them to remote and  underserved areas of the County.  This includes new educational health promotion, service enrollment and Senior advocacy program opportunities so they can stay in, and contribute to, their community.



2025 Senior of the Year letter and nomination form.



Dear Ulster County Older Adults!

I do hope everyone is keeping warm after our many days of windy coldness!

February may promise more, so make sure you have essentials at the ready: a can opener, canned food that doesn’t need heating, shelf stable food as well, in case you lose power. Make sure when severe weather is predicted that you charge your phone ahead of time – suggestion to have a solar powered battery pack charger for charging is always good as well. Blankets, warm clothing, a place to go in case you lose heat for a time as all things to prepare for emergencies. Also, be sure you have provisions for your pets and write it down someplace.

Lots of illnesses going around! If you are concerned, two of the best ways of preventing infections are handwashing and masks. Things that are going around are both airborne and transmitted by lack of clean hands. Easy to do!

We want your NOMINATIONS for the 2025 Seniors of the Year.  Each year counties choose two (2) seniors who have made a difference in their community through volunteerism, etc.  They will be honored as part of Older New Yorker’s Day in Albany on May 27, 2025.  To nominate someone please use our nomination form – it can be requested by calling our office or can be found on our website at - and they need to be submitted by 2/28/25.

We continue to search for people who can help drive older adults to their medical appointments, as well as to help schedule those appointments. Our transportation system is not equipped to satisfy everyone, so this is a group/community effort we are trying to build. Please contact us if this is something you might want to do – we do pay mileage.

Our Respite program for caregivers is going very well, so if you or someone you know is looking for a break from their caregiving of a loved one, please contact our Caregiver Coordinator at 845-340-3456. 

AARP tax season will begin at the latter end of this month. Please call the office to begin making appointments.

Keep warm and safe!

Susan Koppenhaver



 For information related to the Ulster County Office for the Aging 2024 Public Hearing - click here.



 Live Well Kingston interviews John Dowley, Volunteer teaching OFA Senior Technology Classes. View the interview here: OFA Teacher Talks Tech! Demystifying your Personal Devices and Aging Well in Kingston. - Live Well Kingston


Links to upcoming activities and events happening in your area. Find things to do, places to go, and activities to enjoy from home at Age Well Kingston Community Events Guide 

New York State GetSetUp - free online classes for Seniors at