UC Veterans Cemetery

Eligible Veterans may be buried in a Veterans Cemetery.  The local choices are:

Within this section you will find the following helpful information:

  1. UCVC Eligibility Policy
  2. FAQ’s for Ulster County Veterans Cemetery
  3. UCVC Fee Schedule
  4. Spouse Grave marker info
  5. Affidavit Forms for spouse burials:
    1. Self
    2. Vet
    3. Next of Kin
  6. UCVC Referral Forms for when no funeral home is involved

Please note that cemetery arrangements are best done by the Funeral Home chosen by the family.   UCVSA does not arrange or coordinate cemeteries or burials of veterans.  UCVSA assists Funeral Homes with eligibility inquiries when needed.  Most area Funeral homes are familiar with all of the contents of this section.